A New Home Built in Point Pleasant Borough - Cleaver Construction

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Cleaver Construction's Portfolio - Point Pleasant Borough, NJ - New Home

Bring your dreams to reality now!

Over the past 38 years, Don Cleaver has built, remodeled, or added additions to numerous residential and commercial buildings. Don has built custom homes ranging in value up to about $1,800,000. As he has done in the past, Don will work with you on fitting your ideas to your individual needs and desires.

Below are the photos available of this building which are organized into categories. If you would like to view more of a particular area or room which you are viewing, please click that photo or room label to be forwarded elsewhere on this page to view more that that particular area or room of the building. Once forwarded, you may click any photo to view an enlarged copy of that photo.

If you are interested in learning more about these residential and commercial buildings, feel free to Contact Us. We will work with you on bringing your dream home or commercial building to a reality.

A message from Don Cleaver:

"This gorgeous three story home was built by Cleaver Construction on an existing foundation. We worked with the homeowners as the prior home was demolished and replaced with this new, modern home. The kitchen, dining room, master bedroom, master bathroom, master balcony, and numerous other rooms have an excellent view of the harbor."

Don Cleaver in August of 2011 standing beside a fireplace he built



Construction Process

Photo Preview


Construction Process


Before Construction

Photo Preview


Before Construction


Below are the photos of the rooms listed above.
If you would like to enlarge a photo, please click on it. To save it, please right click the photo and select Save.





Label and Description

Back Pergola

This three story home features a pergola on the third floor deck. The exterior features cedar siding.


Pergola - (Repeat)

This three story home features a pergola on the third floor deck. The exterior features cedar siding.

Back  Pergola - (Repeat)

This three story home features a pergola on the third floor deck. The exterior features cedar siding.

Back  Patio

This back patio has a block retaining wall and glass rails that overlooks the water. 

  Back Deck - (Repeat)

This photo of the deck shows the deck's glass rails with azak trim boards.

  Back Deck - (Repeat)

This photo of the deck shows the deck's glass rails with azak trim boards.

  Back Deck

This photo of the deck shows the deck's glass rails and composite decking.

 Back Deck

This photo shows the bridge attaching the back deck and the side deck with glass hand rails and composite decking. 

Back Deck - (Repeat)

This photo of the deck shows the deck's glass rails and composite decking.

Back  Deck

This photo of the deck, taken from the second floor, shows the deck's glass rails and composite decking. 

Back  Patio

This photo, taken from the second floor, shows the back deck and patio surrounding the pool.

Right Side Stairs

This is the stairs to the side deck with a glass entrance gate.

Right Side Deck

This side deck has glass hand rails that overlook the water. The spindle rail, pictured on the left, is temporary until an outdoor shower is installed in its place.

Second Floor  Master Deck

This is the master bedroom's deck which overlooks the water. The deck features custom cedar rails. The deck is made of fiber glass.

  Back Window

 The back of the house features a copper roof over the bay window.

Third Floor  Pergola

This pergola on the third floor features clear cedar which was primed before installation.

Third Floor  Pergola - (Repeat)

This pergola on the third floor features clear cedar which was primed before installation.

Third Floor  Pergola - (Repeat)

This pergola on the third floor features clear cedar which was primed before installation.

Third Floor  Pergola - (Repeat)

This pergola on the third floor features clear cedar which was primed before installation.

Roof Chimney

This chimney features a custom made, copper chimney cap.




Label and Description

Second Floor Master Bathroom

This master bathroom has floor and wall tile made of marble. The walls also have wains coating. The shower is custom made with glass walls and glass block windows.

Second Floor  Master Bathroom - Toilet Area

  This is a closeup view of the walls with wains coating.

Second Floor Hallway Bathroom

This hallway bathroom was customized with black and white tile. 

Second Floor Hallway Bathroom - (Repeat)

This hallway bathroom was customized with black and white tile. 

Second Floor Hallway Bathroom - (Repeat)

This hallway bathroom was customized with black and white tile. 





Label and Description

  Second Floor Master Bedroom - Ceiling and Windows

The master bedroom features a cathedral ceiling and large windows that overlook the water.

 Third Floor Windows

The windows are designed with different elevations which overlook the water area.

Third Floor  Closet

These are customized closet doors.


Family Room Photos



Label and Description

Third Floor Skylights

This family room features skylights which brighten up this room.

Third Floor Doors

These French wood doors and glass window overlook the stairwell to the second floor.

Third Floor Doors - (Repeat)

These French wood doors and glass window overlook the stairwell to the second floor.

Third Floor Bookshelf

We utilized the empty wall of this room by adding a customized bookshelf instead of having a wall.

Third Floor Doors

These doors lead to the third floor deck and pergola which overlooks the water.





Label and Description

Second Floor Rails

This picture shows continuous rails leading from the second floor to the first floor.

Second Floor Rails - (Repeat)

This picture shows continuous rails leading from the second floor to the first floor.

First Floor Doors

These French wood doors pocket into each other and have custom transom over them. These custom doors and transom were manufactured by Cleaver Construction. The doors serve as the entrance to the dining room.

First Floor Doors - (Repeat)

These French wood doors pocket into each other and have custom transom over them. These custom doors and transom were manufactured by Cleaver Construction. The doors serve as the entrance to the dining room.

First Floor Front Door

The front door of this house is made of Mahogany and is two thirds glass with raised panels on the bottom third.





Label and Description

First Floor Archway

This picture shows custom cabinets with transom archways going from the kitchen to the living room.

First Floor Cabinets and Countertops

These cabinets are custom made and were hand painted on the job site. The countertops are made of granite.

First Floor Window and Seats

This picture shows the bay window and custom bench seats built into place as a dinette area.

Living Room



Label and Description

First Floor Cabinets

Custom cabinets manufactured by Cleaver Construction are installed on both sides of the fireplace.

First Floor Cabinets

Custom cabinets surround a built in flat screen television.

First Floor Windows

The living room features Anderson windows with transom windows above them. The windows provide a panoramic view of the water.

First Floor Cabinets - (Repeat)

Custom cabinets manufactured by Cleaver Construction are installed on both sides of the fireplace.

First Floor Cabinets - (Repeat)

Custom cabinets surround a built in flat screen television.

First Floor Cabinets - (Repeat)

Custom cabinets manufactured by Cleaver Construction are installed on both sides of the fireplace.

First Floor Cabinets - (Repeat)

Custom cabinets manufactured by Cleaver Construction are installed on both sides of the fireplace.





Label and Description

Second & Third Floor Stairs

This photo, taken from the third floor looking down to the second floor, features stairs made of oak.


Utility Room



Label and Description

First Floor Counter

\This utility room features a built in washer and dryer with a counter over them. It provides a true built-in look.


Construction Process



Label and Description

  Back Framing

This is the framing of the first, second and third floor.

Right Side  Tar Paper

This photo shows Anderson windows and thirty pound felt prior to the siding being installed.

  Foundation Piles

In this photo, the piles are being driven to lay the foundation for the home. 

  Foundation Piles - (Repeat)

In this photo, the piles are being driven to lay the foundation for the home. 

Foundation  Flag

Once the flag is raised, it indicates that the piling process is complete.

Foundation  Slab

The plastic and wire has been installed for the slab to be poured in the basement.

Foundation  Foundation Complete

At this stage, the foundation is complete and the property is graded.

Foundation  Foundation Complete - (Repeat)

At this stage, the foundation is complete and the property is graded.

Back Silt Fence

This silt fence is installed to prevent any runoff of dirt from the construction site to the wet lands.

  Foundation Excavation

This is the excavation of the footings with piles already installed.

Foundation  Excavation - (Repeat)

This is the excavation of the footings with piles already installed.

Foundation Steal Installation

In this photo, the steal is installed in the footings prior to concrete being poured.

Foundation  Steal Installation - (Repeat)

In this photo, the steal is installed in the footings prior to concrete being poured.

First Floor Deck 

 This photo is of the TJI's in the first floor deck.

First Floor  Frame

This photo is of the first floor frame under construction.

First Floor  Frame - (Repeat)

This photo is of the first floor frame under construction.

First Floor  Frame and Silt

This photo is of the first floor frame. The silt fence is surrounding the wetland property line.

First Floor  Frame - (Repeat)

This photo is of the first floor frame under construction.

First Floor  Frame - (Repeat)

This photo is of the first floor frame under construction.

First Floor  Crane

The crane is setting in the main beams to support the floors above it.

First Floor  Frame - (Repeat)

This photo is of the first floor frame under construction.

  Back Retaining Walls Base

This is the base for the retaining walls which surround the back of the property.

Back Retaining Wall

This photo is of the first blocks of the retaining wall being set on the retaining wall base.

Back Pool Construction - Gunite

This is the photo of the steel for the pool. This worker is spraying gunite.

Back Pool Construction - Gunite - (Repeat)

This is the photo of the steel for the pool. This worker is spraying gunite.

Back Pool Construction - Gunite - (Repeat)

This is the photo of the steel for the pool. This worker is spraying gunite.

Back Pool Construction - Steps

These are the steps for the pool after it was sprayed with gunite.

Right Side & Back Block Retaining Walls 

This photo shows the block retaining walls. This photo was taken before the decks were built.


Before Construction



Label and Description

  Front Before Construction

 This was the prior home before it was torn down and replaced.

  Back Before Construction - (Repeat)

 This was the prior home before it was torn down and replaced.

  Back Before Construction - (Repeat)

 This was the prior home before it was torn down and replaced.

Front Before Construction - (Repeat)

 This was the prior home before it was torn down and replaced.


Facebook Fan's Comments










"It was a pleasure working with you and your staff..." -John Wojie
































"Nothing was a problem for you." -Bob and Ruth McEntee






























"Your ideas on the interior of the house including trim, kitchen layout and cabinetry were excellent..." -John Wojie































"I would whole heartedly recommend your company to anyone considering building a new house or remodeling an existing home. Everyone who has seen the house has been extremely complementary." -John Wojie































"Listening to other of our friends who have had construction woos, I realize your promptness in completing the project on time, and within cost, is something that is unusual." -Bob and Ruth McEntee































"When a major job such as ours is completed, and we consider you a friend, not a supplier of services or adversary, says a great deal about the kind of person you are." -Bob and Ruth McEntee































"There is no doubt when we require additional construction work, you will be the first person we will call." -Bob and Ruth McEntee































"You have taken our 'before' house and by listening to our dreams, you have created the 'after' home we knew this building could be. We thank you for making the renovation experience one that was fun and rewarding." -Peg and Rich Lazarchic































"When we started demolition we did not realize we would be fortunate enough to make a new friend. We hope you will not be a stranger now that work is 'complete.'" -Peg and Rich Lazarchic































"...the respect your sub contractors and suppliers have to you is remarkable." -Bob and Ruth McEntee































"Everyone who has seen [my] house has been extremely complementary." -John Wojie






























"From the time we first met to review your bid and the architects plans, there was no doubt you had the vision we needed to renovate (effectively rebuild) our home." -Bob and Ruth McEntee






























"Your suggestions for initial modifications, willingness to make changes and suggestions for enhancements as we progressed in the construction along with the reasonableness in costing change orders, must be unparalleled in the construction industry." -Bob and Ruth McEntee